Sunday 3 July 2011

Transformers 3 has third biggest global opening of all time with $372m!

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The film has made a monstrous $210m internationally and $162m in North America. Estimates for the end of the American 4th of July holiday are put at $180m Domestic and $225m international; making an expected total of $405m+ by the end of tomorrow.

Following the pattern for successful movies in 2011 the domestic take is running behind the previous movie (Revenge of The Fallen), which had grossed $200m by the end of its first six days; but the international takings are 50% ahead of the previous film.

There has been a big push on the 3D in Transformers: Dark of The Moon, with Michael Bay even writing to Cinema chains and urging them to stop being cheap and turn up the projector lights so the film didn’t suffer from Dark glasses syndrome. Well it’s paid off. Since Thor was the summer’s first 3D movie and earned 60% of its gross form 3D showings the 3D percentages have dropped from 45% and as low as 40% for films Pirates 4, Kung Fu Panda 2, Green Lantern & Cars 2;  but Transformers has taken 60% of its takings from 3D showings.

3D has had no such problems everywhere else and this film has taken 70% of its gross from 3D screenings.

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