Wednesday, 3 August 2011

The Darkest Hour: Trailer for the Sci-Fi extravaganza arrives.

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The latest film to try and be “The Must See 3D event of The Year!” is The Darkest Hour. From Chris Gorak who has earned much respect as art director on films including Minority Report, Fight Club and The Man Who Wasn’t there is described thusly...

The DARKEST HOUR is the story of five young people who find themselves stranded in Moscow, fighting to survive in the wake of a devastating alien attack. The 3D thriller highlights the classic beauty of Moscow alongside mind-blowing special effects.

I have to say I like the look of this, although I hope that’s not all there is to like. It may have the pre-requisite cast og pretty young things (with less reason than today’s other sci-fi post; In Time) but it is refreshing to see Alien dealings outside of New York and LA (Even Torchwood has gone to America (even if its wit and charm remain very British).

Check it out here...